Format and edit a guide

To continue your work with a guide, click on the name to open it.

Format and complete the answer text using the following tools:

Insert a global link

Insert your own link

Remove link

Insert an anchor link

Insert a picture

Insert an embedded video

Insert a table

Insert a horizontal line

Insert special characters

View the text editor in full screen mode, and use the same button to return to normal view

Work in html mode, and use the same button to return to normal view

Insert a numbered list

Insert a bulleted list

Write in bold text, or make selected text bold

Write with italic characters, or make selected text with italic characters

Write with strike-through characters, or make selected text with strike-through characters

Remove formatting choices or clear formatting for selected text

Click Next to get to the next step where you can link the guide to pre-defined concepts described on Administrator's view:

to the right indicates that you can click to open an editing option.

closes the editing mode, if you e.g have just looked and do not want to change anything.

At the bottom you click on Save and publish directly or open the menu where you select Save and publish at a specified date or Save as draft.